Title : Hamatora
Episode : 01 "Egg of Columbus"
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[Episode 01]
[Sub English]
Story Line :
PIs Nice and Murasaki take two job requests from Koneko
to investigate the recent kidnapping of college girls and another by
Shinji Toyosaki to protect a safe from thieves. At the same time, PIs Birthday and Ratio head off on a bodyguard request to protect a client. With help from Art,
Nice deduces that the kidnappers were targeting the girls for
information and theorizes that their cases may be linked. Nice then
calls Birthday and Ratio for confirmation just as they are attacked by a
Gravity Minimum Holder who forces their client, Azuza to reveal a code.
Afterwards Azuza reveals that she and her college friends had been
seeing the somniloquous
Toyosaki patriarch from whom she accidentally learnt the code.
Realizing that the kidnappers and thieves are the same group after the
safe Nice, Ratio and Birthday head over to the Toyosaki mansion just as
the thieves make their move. While Ratio and Birthday take out the
thieves, Nice shows up during Murasaki's stare-down with the hired
Gravity Holder and defeats the latter with his Holder ability.
Afterwards, as the police and Art apprehend the thieves, the latter
contemplates on telling Hamatora of a serial murderer targeting Minimum