Title : Hamatora
Episode : 03 "Those With and Those Without"
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[Episode 03]
[Sub English]
Story Line :
Itou Shouko of the Association for Health, Protection and Equality of
Youths contracts Hamatora to search for a scandal within Facultas
Academy. Meanwhile, Art questions Professor Moral
after learning that the Association had been providing large quantities
of the Nemcrois drug for his research into non-innate Minimum Holders.
Moral explains his warped interest into a world where everyone possesses
Minimum abilities and taunts Art on his graduation from Facultas
despite not possessing a Minimum. Meanwhile, a large monstrous figure
crashes a public Association meeting and reveals itself as Itou's son,
Takahiro before escaping. As Art makes his way to the scene, Moral
implies that he had given the Minimum ability to Takahiro, with the
former swearing to arrest him. Afterwards, Nice blames Itou for
Takahiro's change. Realizing that he was being challenged however, Nice
approaches Takahiro while Moral also comes to the same conclusion as
Takahiro, that it would be worth challenging Facultas' top graduate—Nice
to see if he had surpassed natural Minimum Holders with his abilities.
However in the end, Nice makes quick work of Takahiro.
In the epilogue, Moral burns down his facility and escapes before Gasquet
can arrest him. At the same time, Itou's assistant severs his support
of Moral's research. Unperturbed, Moral then sets his sights on Nice.